Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Saturday??

We are under a Level 2 Snow Emergency

My family was supposed to come down from Canton to celebrate Ben's birthday but they are no longer coming due to the snow :(

Ben woke me up at 6:45am because he wet the bed.

Our dog Chase shit on my new rug. Then Ben stepped in it.  Pissed at Chase

Ella woke up w/ horrible diarrhea. I seriously almost vomited changing her diaper.

I made Ella breakfast. Our dog Godiva ate it.  Pissed at Godiva

I made Ella breakfast again. Chase ate it.  Now REALLY pissed at Chase

I got Ben all dressed up to play in the snow with daddy.

I made myself breakfast.

While Matt was in the garage getting ready to plow, Ben got stuck in a massive snowdrift and was sobbing.  I ran outside in my pajamas to rescue him.

While I was outside Godiva ate my breakfast.  Now REALLY pissed at Godiva.

Ben then hit himself in the mouth with the shovel while he was helping daddy remove the snow.  He came inside crying saying he never wanted to play in the snow ever again.

My house looks like a disaster.

I went to the doctor yesterday and had to get on the scale and this is the heaviest I have been in a long time :(

My doctor started me on steroids to help with my cough and tight chest.  Prednisone makes me really crabby.  Can you tell??


Can't wait to see what the rest of the day holds!

(at least Ella is happy dressing up in her snow gear)


Matt, Michelle, Connor, Megan, Cole and Cooper said...

Oh my gosh, I'm cracking up. Sounds like a day at our house, except we don't have the added dog chaos! This mean mommy says NO dogs for exactly that reason! :) What a day! Good luck getting through the rest of the weekend!

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