Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Ben is going through THAT stage in his life.

The one where I tell him not to do something and he does it anyway.

The one where I ask him to do something and he won't do it.

The one where the only word he knows is "NO".

The one where he spends most of the day in timeout.

The one where I have to work so hard to love him.

It DOES get better, right?

You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

What is it these days with my kids and injuries to their left eye???

Yes, it is true that Ella likes to do things that her big brother does. But her got her beat on this on, as her's did not require a trip to the ER.... thankfully

The newest beauty product

I know you were wondering how Ella gets her hair to be...

so soft....

so silky....

so fragrant....

so lovely....

The Answer.....

Dora Yogart

Pick some up at your local supermarket today!

Ella promises you won't be disappointed!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Congrats Robbie and Chrissie!

Mason Robert Eshenbaugh

January 21, 2009
Born at 7:47pm
6 pounds 12 ounces, 20 inches

Monday, January 19, 2009

An uneventful Monday


Since Ben has been sick since Tuesday, both kids have been cooped up in the house and were starting to get a little stir-crazy.

I have the day off today, so I thought I would take them on a few quick errands, just to get out of the house for a bit. Our first stop was to the hardware store to look at paint colors for Ben's room and then we were headed to the grocery to get more grapes and juice.

Unfortunately, we never made it past the paint samples.

Ben slipped and fell, landing with his eye into the metal shopping cart.

We headed straight to the ER (and made a call to Daddy)

Both kids were AMAZING! So well behaved! I was so proud of both of them.

Thankfully, they had Noggin so the kids were engrossed in cartoons most of our stay.
(sorry for the poor quality of the pics - they were taken with my phone!)

Ben ended up not needing stitches, but they did have to super-glue his head back together.

Here is the before....

And the after...

Ella was a supportive little sister, although she did wonder when it was time for lunch

We are now settled safely back at home. Both kids are napping. I just ate a massive amount of junk food and now am going to hop on the treadmill to run off the stress from the mornings' activities.

Here's hoping for a better tomorrow!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dancing Queen

Ella is as FABULOUS as ever! She loves jewerly, legwarmers, and dancing to ABBA

Where have we been??

Sorry we have been MIA. This is what we have been dealing with since Tuesday.... fevers up to 104 degrees....2 trips to the pediatrician.... 2 different antibiotics (which has now caused lots of diarrhea)..... lots of tylenol and motrin... and lots of sleepless nights

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My 3 loves

All Saturday nights should end like this.

OK, well, maybe not all of them.

It is nice to have a few nights with no kids.

HER haircut

I finally did it.

On Saturday, I took Ella to get her first haircut. (I probably would have waited even longer, but Daddy said it was time)

I didn't take her to just any place. I took her to Rafiel's Studio in Clintonville, an Aveda salon where her mommy goes to get her hair done. Her stylist was Peggy and she was so sweet!

So, here it goes....

The before photo....

And the after photo...
Doesn't she look great??!!
Thanks, Peggy!

The Three Christmases - Part 3

Part 3 - Christmas afternoon in Canton with Gigi, Papa, Uncle Josh, Aunt Erin and cousins

The kids were dressed to impress in their Christmas best!

McKenna helped Ben open his presents

My sister got all the kids capes with their names on them. They were adorable!

Opening presents...

Max and Ella were very hungry, so here they are with their pre-dinner snack. (we got Max this shirt for Christmas, and it has quickly become his favorite!)

As you can see, we had a WONDERFUL, but exhausting, holiday!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Three Christmases - Part 2

Part 2 - Christmas morning with Mommy and Daddy

A train table for Ben...

A kitchen for Ella...

.... and jewerly
(exactly what all little princesses need!)

For Daddy...new tools (and underware). Gosh, I was such a lame gift-giver this year. Especially because he spoiled me rotten this Christmas! I vow to be more creative for my husband next year!

The Three Christmases - Part 1

Part 1: Christmas Eve with Grandma, Papa, Uncle Todd and Jeff

Highlights included:
Matching Christmas Jammies

A new tutu for Ella

Fantastic sweater and hat combos for Ben and Ella. Ella loved her hat so much, she wore it all night!

Riding toys!!! To explore all of our 5 acres!! (Thanks, Great Grandma!)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Too Tired

There was so much that I wanted to do tonight, but I am just too tired.

I wanted to:

  • Blog (about Christmas, the kids' favorite TOYS, the get-together at my parents house with the friends I grew up with, New Year's with the Smith's, and so on...)
  • Work on Ben's birthday invitation
  • Clean the bathrooms

Instead, when I put Ben to bed, he cried and asked that I cuddle him. So I crawled into his toddler bed with him and we both fell asleep

Guess the night wasn't so bad

I'll post more in the next couple of days


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Safety First

Over the weekend, while Ben was taking a nap, Ella helped Matt work in the basement. Matt said she LOVED having time alone with him. After working for awhile, they came upstairs to show me what they had been up to.

Oh how we love her...... snotty face, crazy hair and all

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