the daily happenings of Ben and Ella
Posted by Kiki at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Maybe one day he'll be a chef or baker.
Check out these cupcakes that my little Ben made especially for me (with the help of grandma)! We was so proud of them and couldn't wait for me to get home to see what he had done.
We all thought they were super yummy!
Posted by Kiki at 1:17 PM 0 comments
I made it out of jail last week. But not until I was issued this...
Posted by Kiki at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Remember the Muscular Dystrophy Association Lock-Up that I wrote about several posts ago???
Well, the event is TOMORROW!!!!
I have received several cash donations, but need more bail money!!!
Please donate HERE TODAY!!!
Posted by Kiki at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Up until a year ago, if someone would have mentioned Congress, I immediately would have thought of Congress Country Club, one of our big competitors during summertime country club swimming. That sounds funny to me now.... country club swimming
However, after living in the country, when someone mentions Congress, they are usually referring to the All American Quarter Horse Congress which occurs in Columbus each October. Per the Online Encyclopedia of Ohio History, "The congress's purpose is to showcase the American Quarter Horse. The organizers also hope to educate people about this mammal and the proper way to show it at professional events."
All of our neighbors out here have horses. The first time we looked at this house with our realtor, I knew I wanted to live here because when we pulled up the drive, there were 2 beautiful horses standing at the fence right next to the driveway. Who wouldn't want to come home to that everyday?
Anyway, my neighbor Tonya hurt her back and hasn't been able to ride, so she has been giving me lessons on her horse, George. I have really been enjoying learning how to ride.
Well, Tonya called today and asked if Ella and I wanted to go to Congress with her and her daughter, Ava. WE HAD A BLAST!!! It was seriously like stepping into a whole different world. We watched a couple shows, but mainly just walked around by the vendors and shopped.
Here are Ava and Ella in the car on the way to Congress. Ava brought her horses for Ella to play with in the car.
I forget what Tonya said was happening here.... I'll have to check with her
Since I have been enjoying riding so much, Tonya thought I needed the proper gear. So here I am with my new boots!!!! I love them!
Ella enjoyed trying out all the saddles. This one she is sitting on costs as much as some cars. I am not joking...
I thought Ella needed her first pair of Cowgirl boots. These were ADORABLE! Unfortunately, she couldn't figure out how to walk in them. So they didn't come home with us. But I was still able to get some cute pics of her wearing them. Maybe next year...
Posted by Kiki at 8:55 PM 0 comments
I had a horribly busy week at work last week -- a lot of early mornings and late evenings. So there was no time for blogging. But we had a super-fun weekend so I wanted to tell you all what you did.
Several months ago I signed Ben up for a class at the zoo for 2 year olds and their parents called, "Do the Zoo Walk". His class started at 10am, but Ben and I arrived shortly after 9. There was no one there at that time. It was almost like me had the zoo to ourselves for an hour. Ben seemed to be all about the tigers this trip. We was obsessed with the one's teeth (maybe he'll be a dentist like his papa!)
Here he is showing me how he can growl!
I like this sweet face much better
His class was a ton of fun! We got to meet and play with some real animals... a bunny, hedgehog, snake and owl. He then made a hippo puppet. We didn't stay too long after his class because we had to get home to our greet our visitors!
My dear friend from college, Margaux, came to visit us with her two adorable kids -- Wyatt and Kendall. Shortly after they arrived we headed to Leed's Farm. If you have never been there, I highly recommend going. There is so much to do there then just pick pumpkins. The boys played on the hay slides.
The kids played in the corn-box (just like a sandbox but filled with corn).
Margaux thought we all needed to go on the Banana Bus. (The only this harder than getting into the "bus" was getting out of it!).
We fed the goats.
And eventually we found some time at the end to pick up some pumpkins and gourds
This is what we took home with us!
Posted by Kiki at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Please continue to bring us toy catalogs in the mail. Stuff our maibox full of them!
Why, you ask??
Ben looked through this catalog, page by page, toy by toy, for at least 30 minutes last night.
Which means 30 minutes of peace for mommy.
Keep 'em coming!
Posted by Kiki at 5:27 PM 1 comments
And I need your HELP!
I have been charged with having a big heart and on Thursday, October 23 I will be handcuffed and taken to jail to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
I will only be locked-up for an hour (thankfully!) but won't be released without my bail money.
My goal is to raise $1,000 for bail money.
Please go HERE to help me raise my bail. Every little bit counts!
(October 23 is only 2 WEEKS AWAY! Please donate TODAY!)
Posted by Kiki at 8:33 PM 0 comments