In February, one of my residents, Robyn, passed away after a 15 month battle with Ovarian Cancer. She was smart. She was sweet. She was a physician who had dedicated her life to taking care of others. She was only 29.
On Sunday, Matt, Ella and I participated in the 2008 National Ovarian Cancer Coalition "Break the Silence" 5k Run/Walk. In 2007 Robyn worked with the NOCC to make that year's race the success that it was. This year, in her honor, we wanted to make it even bigger.
We were 3 of the almost 100 member team called "Robyn's Hood". Robyn's friend Kristina even made sure Ella had a team shirt!

The weather couldn't have been more perfect. Robyn's mom, Kathy, said to me "I think Robyn made sure we had a beautiful day today".
There were well over 1000 runners and walkers that participated. I was so proud to be a part of it. And so proud to have Matt and Ella there with me, along with all of Robyn's family and friends. The Columbus Running Company was one of the sponsor's of the event and I found this picture of Matt and Ella on their website!
Here are some more members of the "Hood"
The only thing I wasn't proud of was my time.... There were so many participants and the path wasn't very wide so it was hard to get moving at first. Matt and I got separated and the poor guy had to push Ella (while mostly fussing in the jogger) the whole time by himself. But even with that, with over 1000 participants, we didn't do too bad!! (there were 26 pages of participants times, so I'm just showing you ours!)
(click the results to enlarge)